Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Which software for computer security shud i remove?

i have norton antivirus, spybot- search n destroy, spyware terminaator and avg free addition. having all of them will surely slow my system down. which do u think i shud remove?

Which software for computer security shud i remove?norton antivirus 2007

Remove Norton and keep the rest. Make sure to keep your security software updated and active. Never use more than one anti-virus or firewall, as it can cause driver conflicts. You also need a firewall - either activate the Windows firewall (if you have Windows XP / Vista), or get the free Comodo Personal Firewall from

You will need the Norton Removal Tool by Symantec to get rid of Norton -


Which software for computer security shud i remove?product key

Norton and avg are both good antivirus, only thing is, norton slows your system down quie a bit compared to AVG.

if you have paid for norton then uninstal AVG, if you have the free trial of norton but have not yet paid for it then uninstall norton. never have more than on antivirus on your computer.

as far as spyware detection programs go, the more the merrier, only have one of the programs running full time as too many running will take up too much system resources.

fire up the other antispyware programs one a month, do your scans with them and put them back to bed when finnished.
It seems that you have 2 anti-VIrus and 2 anti-Spyware programs.

Remove one of the Anti-Virus, Norton's is better than AVG but it is your call. Having 2 anti-virus programs running at the same time will cause them to interfere with each other.

Having 2 anti-spyware at the same time is alright I'd just make one active and have the other scan only on manual. Of the 2 you mention Spybot is the better.
remove the norton and keep avg or better yet get rid of both

and get avast and free firewall

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