Monday, August 16, 2010

I have a problem regarding a worm or a virus?

i don't know if it's a virus or a worm, since it got to my laptop, everytime i open an explrer it automatically goes to '''' even though i have set as my home page. when i'm using yahoo messenger, the people that i'm chatting with constantly receives an invite to visit for pictures and images, i think they are viruses. i have ran anti-virus and anti-spyware, the report always involve a malware so i always do what is recommended, to clean and to quarantine it. the next time i run anti-virus and anti-spyware, the ''proble'' seems to not exist anymore, but when i open the explorer, it's the same thing. still exists. the worst thing about it is when chatting, i'm afraid that i could affect other users. please can you help me???? i'm using now my desktop pc, do i need to reformat my laptop? i am using avg anti-spyware and anti-virus (the free ones, hehehe). help, help, help!!!

I have a problem regarding a worm or a virus?live update

Disconnect your comp from the Internet. then restart your comp. Start cleaning your comp from driveC%26gt;documentandsetting%26gt;''your folder''%26gt;local setting. If you cant see any local setting, search the folder, what i mean of search is click the ''search'',..go to advance setting, make sure you checked the ''search hidden files and folders''. Clean the History, Temp, Temporary Intenet files..Then open the browser, go to tools%26gt;internet option, delete history, cookies, etc - cleaning again uh? well that'slife..double check are not Chuck Norris that can kill 100% of watever he wants. where was i?..yeah, clean ur browser again..then delete the IEXPLORER with unusual logo and exe in your desktop - you can easily recognized them because they look mean they look different from the usual logo of explorer...Restart your comp..then run antivirus again..then You are good I guess..dont listen to all advertisers here..they are just so milking the innocent people like us...Why am i always a victim of all of these virus??

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